The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Badge Registry

Registry of The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Employee Badges.

Bell Canada archives has some in their inventory, amount and badge numbers unknown at this time.

Existing Bell Canada Badges in private collections.

The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Employee Badge Estimated Issue Dates

Employee Badge #566 Estimated Issue Date 1900-1911
Manufacturer unknown possible Caron Bros. Montreal
with “STERLING” Makers Mark.

Employee Badge #634 Estimated Issue Date 1903-1911
Manufactured by Caron Bros. Montreal with “STERLING” Makers Mark.

Employee Badge #2923 Estimated Issue Date 1911-1915
Manufactured by Caron Bros. Montreal with “CARONBROS MONTREAL” Makers Mark.

Employee Badge #3574 Estimated Issue Date 1920-1930
Manufactured by Caron Bros. Montreal with “CARONBROS INC MONTREAL” Makers Mark.

CARON FRERES/Caron Bros were a Montreal business founded in 1900 and produced enamelled sterling souvenir spoons, class pins, buttons, emblematic items and crested brooches, which displayed superb enamelling techniques. It would appear that this company went out of business around 1930.

Employee Badge #3174 Estimated Issue Date 1911-1915
Manufactured by J.R. Gaunt with “J.R.GAUNT” Makers Mark

Employee Badge #12616 Estimated Issue Date 1930’s-40’s
Manufactured by J.R. Gaunt with “J.R.GAUNT MONTREAL MADEINENGLAND” Makers Mark

Story of Bell Employee T.J. Logie

When T.J. Logie started in 1957 as a Cable Splicer in the Central & East Plant Construction Dept he was issued the Badge # 15479. He was assigned to work out of the 1057 Mountain St. Work Centre in Downtown Montreal. Badges were issued until the Mid 1960’s and then they were replaced with Photo Identification Card after that. The Badges had to be returned back to Bell.